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Christine Blain

ADORABLE!!! Alisha, your cupcakes are fantastic (love the string/twine around the crimped cupcake case), and I am in awe of your patience, putting all those cute little cherries around the base of that gorgeous box. Love, love, love your projects!!

Tina G

What a sweet set Alisha. I am sitting here almost drooling and imagining myself licking the icing off a cupcake! I think I may have to go and make some with the kids today (after I've finished the hop of course!).

Nikki Sadler

WOW - Alisha this is such a beautiful set - love how you've added a lacey edge to the cupcake - very clever.

Chris H

Love your creations, Alisha. That little box is so sweet. Lots of lovely little touches on the card and the box. Beautiful!

Judy May

Gorgeous, Alisha. Love the colours and all the details.

Kathryn Ruddick

Totally gorgeous Alisha! I love cupcakes, I am just a little bit disappointed to have arrived back from our Easter holiday late last night and NOT find one of those adorable boxes on MY doorstep . . . Oh, I bet the neighbour stole it!!

Your work is always so precise and neat and beautiful - love it!

freelance writer

your cupcakes are fabulous (love the string/twine around the creased cupcake case), and I am in wonder of your understanding, putting every one of those adorable small cherries around the base of that beautiful box. Cherish, affection your activities!!

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