Hi All, have you ever thought about hosting a workshop but havent? or just want to book another because you love them so much. Well now is the perfect time to do it. Stampin' Up! have a great special on for hostess who book and hold a party between now and the 30th June. If you book and have a workshop with sales of $450, You, the hostess get an Extra $70 ontop of all the normal hostess gifts to spend on whatever you want!!!! So that is a big $110 of free products of your choice and a hostess stamp set. Can you imagine all the different things you could get for free!!! Don't have time for a workshop? Put an order together with friends or even make one up on your own totaling $450 and you can still get the hostess gifts. You can't lose!!!
Stampin' Up! have also made it easier to join our team. From now on you no longer need an ABN to join!!!!! They have made it easier for us all. So if you love the products and even want to just join for the great discount give me a ring or email and I can help organise it straight away. It doesnt matter if you live in Tasmania or Darwin, I can help you from anywhere in Australia and you will too can join a great team of ladies who have become such treasured friends. I have never regetted one day and I know either will you :-)
You can contact me on my email at [email protected] or my mobile if you wish on 0411 260 583. I am happy to help wherever I can.
(Home phome can be given out after contact made.)
We also have a deal of the week see the product list below for great savings, they finish wednesday with a new one starting the next day.
Item Page Description Regular Price Sale Price
119750 137 Daffodil Delight 5/8'' (1.6cm)SatinRibbon $16.95$11.87
119963 137 Certainly Celery 3/8'' (1 cm) Taffeta Ribbon $12.95$9.07
109112 139 Square Fire Rhinestone Brads $19.95$13.97
109113 139 Square Ice Rhinestone Brads $19.95 $13.97