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wow you've been a busy girl - your cards are lovely - love the coffee beans :o)

Christine Blain

Your cards are gorgeous, Alisha. I particularly love the beautiful simplicity of the butterfly (Priceless) card.

Sue Madex

Lovely creations Alisha. Wow that flower/branch must have taken quite a bit of time to cut out - gorgeous result.

Margaret Knoops

Wow - love all your cards Alisha! Love them all! But I do particularly like the birdie one - he is very cute. It almost looks like he is waving "Goodbye"!

Chris H

Great cards, Alisha. The coffee beans are such a clever addition!

Di Dunk

Lovely cards Alisha. Love them all especially the coffee bean one - very clever idea. Thanks for sharing.

Judy May

Fabulous cards, Alisha. The first one is my favourite though, love everything about it.

Narelle Farrugia

Lovely cards Alisha. I especially love your first card. Am now going to order this set tomorrow

Kathryn Ruddick

Wow Alisha! That Priceless Card is stunning, and I love the Friends 24-7 one too! Haven't you been busy!

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