Hi all, it has been a month since I have written (I can't believe a month went to quick). Alot has been happening last month. Myself and a few friends who are also demonstrators, went up to Warburton to a lovely "cottage" and had a craft week end. When I say cottage, to me a cottage is a small little place. This place slept 17 people if we wanted. The ground were beautiful and peaceful and the wild life around was amazing. I had a great time and can't wait till we do it again.
Another few of us did a chinese whispers card swap, this is when one person makes a card then sends it to the next and the next person makes there version of it and sends it on. We have not seen all the cards just yet, but stay tuned because no doubt they will be amazing.
I have been busy making my swaps for our reginal convention for Stampin' Up! I love reginals as it is a chance to catch up with friends I havent seen in a while and get some good tips and new craft things to do.
And now.....on to the November Sale. Stampin' Up are taking 10% of selected Big Shot dies. Don't have a Big Shot?? There is a bundle been put together just for that, and you save %20 on that too!! Have a look below and if there is any you would like contact me at home on 03 8711 4401 or email me here. Remeber as long as you are anywhere in Australia I can order for you, so dont think you have to be just around the corner.
Don't forget that the hostess benifits have changed - (alot better for you) and you can now choose between the hostess gifts or anything in the catalogue for free (workshop sales over $300) and if you have a workshop over $600 you get $100 to spend on whatever you like and any item you want for half price!!! I can see that Big Shot in your hands now at half price.....can't you :-) So if you want that half price Big Shot (or anything else in the catalogue) and have a great afternoon making a few card with friends contact me. You invite the friends I will bring the rest.
Below if an overview on what is available. Click on the Big Shot above to get a clearer look